If you want to know how to use the Elf on a Shelf to target speech and language skills, you’re in the right place! I love using The Elf on a Shelf to target speech and language skills with my son! Whether you’re a fan or not, The Elf on a Shelf is an exciting experience for most young children. It only happens for a short period of time, making it even more motivating for them to talk about.
Talking about The Elf can target:
- prepositions (in, on, under, etc. )
- Labeling items
- Using descriptive words
- Following Directions
- Combining words into phrases or sentences
- Pronouns (he, she, they –if you have more than one)
- Actions & Verbs
- Re-calling events from the past
- Creative Thinking
- Predicting the future
- Making inferences
Specifically, these are the five questions I ask to target most of these goals!
- Where is he? This targets prepositions such as in, on, under, next to, in front, behind, or in between. This can also target combining words into phrases or sentences, such as HE IS ON THE MOTORCYCLE; IN THE TREE; UNDER THE BUCKET, etc. And of course you can target using pronouns such as he, she, or they.
- What is he doing? This targets using actions words or verbs such as SITTING, RIDING, EATING, HANGING, etc. Combine these action words with a prepositional phrase, as well, such as HANGING FROM THE LIGHT.
- Where was he yesterday? This targets recalling past events. They have to remember where he was yesterday and then be able to tell you where exactly the elf was. This is such great practice as we all want our children to be able to correctly recall what happened in the past (for example, it is such a relief when your child can recall events that happened at school — he fell at school, she ate pizza for lunch, a kid pushed him, etc.
- How do you think he moved? This works on creative thinking and using imagination! Brainstorming about all the ways the elf may have moved is a lot of fun! Did he fly, jump, run, slide, ride, etc.?
- Where do you think he will be tomorrow? or What do you think he will do tomorrow? Asking this question works on predicting the future and making inferences. It is great practice for kids to guess what they think will happen! Then you can talk about whether or not they were correct in their guess!

If you want some great, creative ideas for where to put your Elf on a Shelf; or what to do with him; check out this blog post from HouseBeautiful.com. It has really cute ideas that are easy to re-create!

Does your family participate in The Elf on a Shelf tradition?
Download your free Elf on a Shelf printable here!
For more Free Printables, check out:
28 Activities to Develop Speech and Language Skills During Daily Routines
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