If you’re like me, you are preparing all kinds of fun Thanksgiving speech therapy activities for the next few weeks. A thanksgiving themed speech therapy unit can be a great way to target the seasonal vocabulary that students need to know this time of year.
If you are looking for ideas for Thanksgiving and fall themed activities you’ll love these 10 resources:
- Thanksgiving Mixed Group Worksheet– Perfect for groups of students working on language, pragmatics or articulation. It includes two versions: one for younger elementary students and one for older students (3rd-5th grade). It also includes articulation word lists and ideas for hands-on activities!
- Thanksgiving Boom Cards– The perfect no prep resource for students that targets core vocabulary and sentence expansion for this holiday!
- Turkey Mixed Group Worksheets– These worksheets are great for working with a group of students with different goals.
- Gratitude printables– Use these worksheets to teach the concepts of grateful, thankful, or mindfulness. They can be used to target yes & no questions, imitating actions, following directions, attributes, describing, answering questions, conversation skills, core words, receptive language, comprehension, and more!
- Five Little Turkeys Manipulatives– Pair these engaging manipulatives with the 5 Little Turkeys Song for a quick and easy activity for younger students!
- Following Directions with Turkeys– This Google Slide deck is made for targeting following directions with students, no prep needed!
- Pumpkin Picking Speech and Language Google Slide Deck– This digital book uses real photographs. In this fall – themed resource, you can target vocabulary, WH questions, sentence expansion, core words, inferencing or conversational skills.
- Leaf Sort | Digital Task Cards– This fun Boom Card set is great for targeting noun modifiers and categorizing and whatever else you want to use it for!
- Turkey Book | Boom Cards– Another great digital book to use across a variety of targets, this one is full of real images and facts about turkeys that are sure to engage students.
- Thanksgiving Speech & Language Therapy Bundle– This is the best one yet! Bundle some of these resources and others to get everything you need for a week of Thanksgiving-themed speech therapy and SAVE money too!!

I hope these easy no-prep Thanksgiving speech therapy activities and resources help you with any last minute planning for these next few weeks. Have fun and have a Happy Thanksgiving!